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Clients & Profits Custom Reports

The Macintosh versions of custom reports are compressed into a .hqx (Binhex) file, which should be automated decoded by your browser (if not, call your Internet expert and ask them to configure your browser with Stuffit Expander). Windows versions of the custom reports are compressed into .zip files, which should be automatically decompressed by your browser (if not, call your internet export to configure your browser for WinZip). When a custom report is decompressed in Windows, it will have the file extension .AHR, which means "ad hoc report."

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Need help finding the right fields for a custom report? The data dictionary is a comprehensive listing of the files and fields used in Clients & Profits, including what each field is used for.

Active Client List  Mac | Windows
This sample report lists all active clients and shows the client name, address, main contact, fax and telephone.

Active Vendors List  Mac | Windows
The Active Vendors List lists all active vendors and shows their address, main contact/rep, fax and telephone.

Client Past Due AR Report  Mac | Windows
Lists by client all invoices that are past due and of the current date (#D). This report can be modified to show invoices past due as of the current date for a single client by entering a query on the AR.AR_CLIENT_NUM field equal to (=) the client number of the client you want to run the report for.

Net Billings by Client Report  Mac | Windows
Lists all invoices by client for a specified invoice date range. The report lists by client each invoice based on the invoice date range and shows the invoice #, invoice date, period, total amount, tax 1 and tax 2 amounts and the total net billing (invoice total less sales tax. Advance billings and Retainer billing are excluded from the report in order to show total actual billings for each client. The current report is set to list all invoices for FY 2004. This can be changed by changing the date range query set for the report on the AR.AR_DATE field.

Client Retainer Balance Report  Mac | Windows
The Client Retainer Balance report is a summary report that lists the current unused retainer balance for all active clients.

Estimate Remaining by Job  Mac | Windows
The Estimate Remaining by Job report lists by job and task the estimate remaining based on both hours and estimate amounts. The report will list the Estimated Hours, Actual Hours and Hours Left (Est Hrs-Actual Hrs) for each task. The Estimate amount, Actual Billings and Estimate Left (Estimate amount - Billings) are also listed for each task. The report is set to list all open jobs with a production status range of less than 999 (Closed jobs). The query is entered on the JOBS.J_PROD_STATUS field as <=998. This query can be modified.

Open Billed Media Orders by Billing Number  Mac | Windows
The Open Billed Media Orders by Billing Number report lists all media orders that have been media billed to the client but have not been invoiced by the vendor. The report lists orders by the billing AR#. This report is useful to users who are using the automatic media accrual feature in the Pro version of Clients & Profits. The report can be used to compare to the actual WIP entries in the G/L for the Media Accrual Account.

Billed Time by Staff  Mac | Windows
The Billed Time by Staff report lists by staff all billable time entries for a work date range. Billed time is based on the cost status of the cost. Unbillable time is excluded from the report.
Each billable time entry is listed and shows the ID#, Job#, Billable Hours, Billable Amount, Billed Hours and Billed Amount. The report uses a calculation field (BILLED_HOURS) which computes the billed hours. The calculation for billed hours is (Billed Amount/Billable Amount)*Billable Hours = Billed Hours.
The actual calculation is:

This calculation is needed to to determine what portion the the hours for a time entry were actually billed based on the amount billed as compared to the actual billable amount.

Billings by Task  Mac | Windows
The Billings by Task report is a summary report which lists the total billings for each task for a date range. The report uses the "Print totals only option" to show only the total billings for each task. The date range is set using two queries for the AR_ITEMS.AX_DATE. The date range set for this report is billings dated from 1/1/04 to 12/31/04. The date range can be changed by editing the dates for the two queries for the AR-ITEMS.AX_DATE.

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