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The Weekly Task Planner window lists your unfinished job tasks for the current week.

It is a personal scheduler that shows your unfinished jobs and tasks (i.e., the job tasks to which you’re the resource). Tasks are grouped by day, giving you a clear look at your week’s deadlines. For each deadline you’ll see its job number and task, the hours left on the task from the estimate, and when the task is due (i.e., time of day, which is optional).

Each staff member only sees their unfinished tasks in the Weekly Task Planner. To look for unfinished tasks for someone else, choose View > Work To Do. The Work To Do window finds tasks for any resource, client, or AE/team. It’s more flexible for production and traffic managers who need to track deadlines for many people.

The unfinished tasks are displayed in a friendly calendar-like window.

Each day has a scroll bar so many unfinished task can be listed. Tasks due for the current week are shown, but you can also view the next three weeks of scheduled tasks.

The task’s schedule can be updated from the Weekly Task Planner window by double-clicking on an entry. The staff member can easily edit the task specs, change the scheduled dates, or mark the task as finished. Changes to the task’s schedule are saved instantly.

Learn how to use the Weekly Task Planner in this Clients & Profits classroom video training session.
Running time: 4:36

To see this week’s deadlines

1 Choose My > My Weekly Task Planner.

"What’s going on next week?" The Weekly Task Planner makes it easy to know your important deadlines. The week’s scheduled tasks are sorted by day of the week, helping you to better manage your time. A task’s schedule information can be updated by double-clicking on a job task.

You’ll see all your unfinished tasks due this week. Use the scroll bar to scroll through each day’s entries.

To see next week’s deadlines

1 Choose a week from the pop-up menu.

To print your weekly task planner

1 From the Weekly Task Planner window, click the print button.

To update a task’s schedule

1 From the Weekly Task Planner window, double-click on a job task.

The Edit Task Schedule window opens, displaying the task’s description, specifications, start and due dates, task status, and finished date.

If the task status and the task’s specifications have changed, they can be updated by simply typing in the new information. The task’s estimated hours and actual hours appear for reference to show you how much time is available to finish the task. If this task is now finished, click the Finished checkbox. The finished date is entered automatically, but can be changed if needed.

Once a task is marked as finished, it won’t appear on the Weekly Task Planner, the Work To Do window, or traffic reports.

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