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The Work to do window is a great way to see your unfinished tasks.  

The window provides a sophisticated dialog box to find unfinished job tasks by due date, start date, resource, client, or AE/team -- for any period of time. Unfinished tasks can be found by either start date or due date.

Each job task shows its due date, job number, job name/title, start date, and its estimated hours for quick reference. Tasks are sorted initially by due date, but can be resorted by clicking on the column headings for resource, job number, job name/title, task, or the task name. The sort direction can be changed by clicking on the Sort buttons in the toolbar.

Double-clicking on a job task lets you view or change its schedule, specifications, and task notes (which describe the task’s current status). Changes to the job schedules are saved instantly.

A different set of job tasks can be listed by clicking the Find button in the toolbar, then entering your selections.

To see work to do

1 Choose Production > Work To Do.

Unfinished and overdue? The show task options let you find scheduled job tasks easily by client, date, resource, or AE/team. The unfinished and overdue option shows every missed deadline -- the tasks that really need attention.

2 Choose a show tasks option.

3 Enter a range of due dates and a find value (i.e., resource).

4 Click Find.

The Work To Do window appears.

The unfinished tasks are displayed based on your selections. Any task can be easily updated by double-clicking on it.

The % Completed field will show a graphic progress bar indicating how much time has been entered for each task (Estimated vs Actual). If no time has been entered for a task, this field will be blank. If a percentage of time has been entered, a black progress bar will indicate the percentage of actual time entered, compared to the time entered on the job's estimate. If the amount of time entered for the task reaches or exceeds 100% of the estimated time, the bar will turn red and stretch the entire length of this field.

To mark many tasks as "finished" at one time

1 From the Work To Do window, use your mouse to select several job tasks.

Multiple tasks can be selected by pressing down the Control button (on Windows) or the Apple button (on a Mac) then clicking on a job task.

2 Click the Finished button.

The tasks you’ve selected will be marked as “finished” automatically. Today’s date will be entered into the task’s finished date.

To print a work to do report

1 From the Work To Do window, find the unfinished tasks you wish to print.

2 Click the print button, or choose File > Print To Do List.

The tasks on the Work to Do report are sorted in the same way they appear in the Work to Do window.

To update a task’s schedule

1 From the Work To Do window, double-click on a job task. Or, highlight a task and click the Update Task link above.

The Edit Task Schedule window opens, displaying the task's description, specifications, start and due dates, task status, and finished date.

2 Update the job task

If the task status and the task’s specifications have changed, they can be updated by simply typing in the new information. The task’s estimated hours and actual hours appear for reference to show you how much time is available to finish the task. If this task is now finished, click the Finished checkbox. The finished date is entered automatically, but can be changed if needed. Once a task is marked as finished, it won’t appear on the Weekly Task Planner, the Work To Do window, or traffic reports.

3 Click Save.

To update a job's traffic

1 From the Work To Do window, highlight a task and click the Update Traffic link above.

A condensed version of the Job Traffic window opens for the job number on the selected task.

2 Update the job traffic and Save

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