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bug fixes, enhancements, and more. These release notes describe bug fixes, enhancements, and other changes made to previous versions of Clients & Profits X.
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the latest version of C&P X
Clients & Profits X 10.1.3 - released 03/01/08
-- Media billings will include orders with no run dates when using MySQL or SQL Server databases.
-- When you create a recurring payable from the Vendors window for the next period, two sets of recurring payables are no longer created.
-- When you print a media estimate with multiple publications, it shows more than the last publication entered on the estimate.
-- The Unbilled Media report now shows closed media orders (i.e., those that have been billed by the vendor).
-- Split client payments are now included in detail on the Client Payment List.
-- Printing invoices after printing the A/R List now properly changes the page orientation.
-- Fixed the keyboard shortcut for adding overhead A/P invoices.
-- The same job name is no longer duplicated on some client statements.
-- Broadcast orders can now be printed showing net amounts only.
-- The complete special instructions are now included on the printed broadcast order, not just the first three lines.
-- The Weekly Task Planner has a new option to show Saturdays and Sundays.
-- If a media billing is unposted, the unposting JEs now get job numbers.
-- When adding an A/P invoice, the invoice number can now contain up to 15 characters.
-- The "view history" report in the Chart of Accounts can now be printed to any destination, not just to the screen.
-- Jobs that aren't overdue are now always excluded from the My Jobs window's "overdue" tab.
-- The Add Job Billing window now has an option to show hours billed.
-- If the billing rate method is changed when adding a job ticket, this change will override the setting on the job type/spec sheet.
-- Fixed a problem that caused changes to status notes and next steps in the Weekly Traffic Report to sometimes not be saved.
-- The date format on the change order report is now the same as all other reports.
-- In Windows, users no longer have access to the Preferences window without system manager access privileges.
-- When a job ticket is cloned, the initials of the staffer who closed the job are erased on the new job.
-- Estimate worksheets are now copied from one revision to a new revision.
Clients & Profits X 10.1.2 - released 12/19/07
-- The columns on the G/L Reconciliation window can be sorted by clicking on a column heading.
-- The problem of not being able to add the login in SQL Server is fixed (i.e., CHECK_POLICY is now set to off).
-- When an overhead or job cost check is added with the 1099 option checked, a vendor code is now required.
-- A new optional DBA field can be added to the vendor addresses window.
-- The new vendor DBA field now appears on 1099 reports and on forms below the vendor name.
-- A new checkbox in the Vendor Account Info window will show the vendor's payments in the "rents" box on the printed 1099 forms.
-- 1099 reports and forms can now be printed for one vendor.
-- Margins on the 1099 forms can now be customized before they are printed.
-- Unapproved expense reports can now be printed when using MySQL.
-- Entering a job cost check no longer displays the "check has been added" warning message.
-- The web time card no longer allows more than 24 hours to be entered.
-- Switching between revised estimates no longer displays the current estimate worksheet.
-- In A/R, the "find more" function now works correctly when accessing a SQL Server database.-- In Job Tickets, the "view orders" function now works correctly when accessing a SQL Server database.
-- Adding a vendor credit is no longer sometimes saved without a number.
-- The Windows shortcut for adding job cost checks now works correctly.
-- Balances now appear for purchase orders on the Update Order Status window.
-- Renumbering a staff member will now change the resources assigned to job schedules and job traffic.-- In the Collection Manager, the status and status notes can now be updated on individual invoices when accessing a SQL Server database.
-- The File and Edit menus are no longer disabled after opening the Billing Worksheet.
-- A task can not be deleted from the Task Table if it is used on any job ticket.
-- Checks entered with a zero amount will now be automatically saved as voids.
-- The Client Status Report can now be emailed without the PDF being unreadable.
-- Internally approving a change order no longer displays an error message.
-- Trying to edit a print spec that has already been awarded no longer causes an error.
-- The Job Log now shows the correct start dates when the report is printed with the "show task schedules" option.
-- Unposted journal entries no longer appear on the Chart of Account's view history report.
-- The spell checker no longer displays the "$addword -24" error in some situations (you must reinstall 10.1.2, however).
-- A posted check's vendor can now be changed on job cost and overhead checks.
-- A posted check's 1099 option can no longer be checked; to change this option, the check must be unposted.
My Clients & Profits! X 10.1.2 - released 12/19/07
-- If a user enters a wrong login password into My C&P! X, the introduce yourself page will prompt the user to re-enter the password.
-- Fixed a Firefox problem that causes duplicate entries to be saved (which happened if no user logo was specified in Preferences).
Clients & Profits X 10.1.1 - released 8/30/07
-- Fixed a SQL Server bug that prevented the Estimate Worksheet from being saved.
-- Fixed a SQL Server bug that causes problems in totals on Gross Margin reports.
-- The Edit A/R Invoice window now checks for spell errors.
-- Fixed a problem that caused the preferences for spell checking to be locked.
-- The auto-quit timer no longer skipped by Database Utilities.
-- A new "security" preference prevents a user from logging on after 3 failed password attempts (Enterprise Edition only).
-- In the Work to Do window, unfinished job tasks now load faster in non-SQL databases.
-- In the Job Schedule window, job tasks now load faster in non-SQL databases.
-- The Media Accrurals/Open Order WIP report now has an option to show or hide closed & bill orders.
-- Fixed a bug that allowed jobs with costs to be deleted.
-- Printing a broadcast billing directly to the printer no longer hangs C&P X at the "show program" prompt.
-- The Customize Report window now has a link button to change a report's page setup, which allows landscape-oriented reports to be customized fully.
-- Time List reports now run very fast in non-SQL databases.
-- Insertion orders created from Media Estimates no longer show up in the Purchase Orders window.
-- If a new Journal Entry is cancelled, the next JE number is automatically decremented correctly.
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