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News & Updates

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 02-14-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 02/14/17 04:01 PM PDT

  • When adding a vendor, the new vendor is now immediately seen in the vendor lookup list. (Lookup - Vendors)
  • Printing media order now print the net amount by default. (uMedia - Media Orders -> Print Orders)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 02-02-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 02/02/17 12:34 PM PDT

  • Resolved an issue adding billing lines in multi-job billings where the accounts number would replace the job number in the billing. (Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Add Amounts)
  • The Client Payments Journal now correctly prints the Accounts Receivable’s description and resolved some formatting issues. The report will also run much faster. (Accounting -> Client Payments)
  • Resolved an error when editing posted Client Payments. (Accounting -> Client Payments))

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 01-24-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 01/24/17 09:34 AM PDT

  • Job Tickets power search now clears the search when making a new search. (Jobr -> Job Tickets -> Power Search)
  • Job Tickets Lookup list now shows the search term it is filtering for after closing and re-opening the window. (Lookup -> Job Tickets)
  • Payments now update when moving to a new AR invoice. (Accounting -> Billing/Accounts Receivable)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 01-18-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 01/18/17 03:15 PM PDT

  • Job totals no longer ignore Purchase Orders that start with a letter. ( Jobr - > Job Tickets)
  • Resolved an issue with the profitability reports where some number did not allow numbers larger than $21,474,836.47.
  • Resolved an issue: deleted Media orders didn’t update the job ticket correctly.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 01-16-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 01/16/17 03:30 PM PDT

  • Added support for printing to PDF in macOS Sierra or later.
  • Vendor contacts are now included in the recipient list when emailing 1099s. (Accounting -> Checkbook, Edit -> Check Tools -> Print 1099s)
  • Resolved an issue with printing the 1099s to PDF. (Accounting -> Checkbook, Edit -> Check Tools -> Print 1099s)
  • Updated the Close Year windows for Windows PCs. (Accounting -> General Ledger, Click Close Year)
  • Added the correct tooltips for the close year buttons. (Accounting -> General Ledger, Click Close Year)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 01-06-17
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 01/06/17 12:52 PM PDT

  • The 1099 Reports window now has an option to print 1096 forms, which are required for tax-exempt organizations, instead of standard 1099 forms.
  • User can now print 1099 recipient forms (Copy B) directly to PDF or Email complete with the current IRS forms included.


Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 12-14-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 12/14/16 4:40 PM PDT

  • After a recurring GL entry is created subsequent GL entries are no longer treated as recurring unless the recurring checkbox is checked.
  • Fixes the save dialogue box for OS X Sierra when exported data.
  • Edit Task in the Task Table on Windows PC’s now shows all entries in the Task Rollup and dGL/cGL lists boxes

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 12-05-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 12/05/16 11:40 AM PDT

  • Profits Center logo wasn’t showing on AR invoices when a logo is specified for a profit center and the profit center is specified on the invoice’s AR account.- (Accounting -> Billing/Accounts Receivable -> Print)
  • Out of balance checker shows the incorrect phone number for the help desk. (Accounting -> General Ledger -> Auditor)
  • AR invoices now rollup properly despite their sort value. It will also rollup to specified tasks on the job ticket but not on the AR invoice. (Accounting -> Billing/Accounts Receivable -> Print)
  • Trial balance now allows user to print a range of accounts (Snapshots -> Financials)


Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 11-10-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 11/10/16 12:20 PM PDT

  • Resolved an issue recalculating purchase order amounts on job tickets. (Jobr -> Job Tickets).
  • Using the "what do you think" field in the creative dashboard now correctly emails the right team. (My - Creative Dashboard)
  • Activated the email function on the homeBase : Job Wall tab on the job ticket, when a new discussion is started. (Jobr -> Job Tickets)
  • Resolved some issues with viewing/modifying the rollup tasks in a Job ticket’s task edit window. (Jobr -> Job Tickets)
  • The Job Ticket now correctly displays estimate values copied from the job template. (Jobr -> Job Tickets)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 11-03-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 11/03/16 12:00 PM PDT

  • Resolved an issue that gave user the message that no change order are selected when approving or unapproving a change order. (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> Change Orders)
  • Printing a proof list added by a specific staff now filters correctly. (Accounting -> Clients Payments. File -> Proof Post)
  • Resolved an issue that causes the rollup lists in the edit job task window to be blank. (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> Edit Job Tasks)
  • The Task Table setup window now lists the correct profits centers in the list of tasks (Setup -> Task Table)
  • When adding a new task to the task table the user can now see tasks to roll up into pertaining only to the selected group or no group. (Setup -> Task Table)
  • Adding tasks to a job ticket with a profit center will now only allow tasks with that same profit center or no profit center. (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> Add Tasks)
  • Lengthened the Staff name and email fields to 254 characters. (STAFF)
  • Resolved an issue with the AR aging on Windows based PCs that only allowed 300 clients to be listed (Snapshots -> Client Aging)
  • Posted vendor checks now display all check lines correctly when editing the check.
  • Posted vendors checks now allow for edit/saving of the memo, address, 1009 report, and print only options for posted vendor checks


Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 10-28-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 10/28/16 3:20 PM PDT

  • Adding a Media Accrual Invoice will no longer allow an order to be billed if it’s already billed on another AP and if it has not been billed on an AR yet. (Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Add -> Media Accrual Invoice).
  • Resolved an issue that did not show attachments uploaded on a homeBase discussion. (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> homeBase)
  • Removed an extra help button from the edit time entry window. (Accounting -> Time Sheets)
  • Resolved an issue that caused the clients name to not populate correctly on the job costs report in some cases (Jobr -> Job Tickets).
  • Changing the deadline on tasks in the Deadlines window no longer throws up an error when the trying to send an email. (Jobr -> Deadlines (Task / ToDos)).
  • The Client Filter in the My homeBase tab now shows the client names correctly (My -> My Creative Dashboard -> My homeBase).
  • Resolved some issues with sending emails to groups of users in the homeBase Discussions (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> homeBase)
  • Changed the dropdown menus in the Retainer Billing that caused only a partial list of Clients to show in the Client drop down box. (Accounting-> Accounts Receivable -> Add -> Retainer Invoice)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 10-21-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 10/21/16 1:10 PM PDT

  • Resolved some issues with the Bank Reconciation that caused saving to fail in some cases.
  • Resolved an issue with an endless loop in the Purchase order Add/Clone window when a user goes over their Purchase Order limit.
  • Allow users to copy and paste information from the description of a billed IO.
  • Changed the window dimensions on media order editing window for windows based machines. This resolves issues where the cancel and save buttons may be partially or fully cut off.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 10-18-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 10/18/16 3:50 PM PDT

  • Made changes to AP power search to correctly reload the last AP when closing the power search window. (Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Power Search)
  • Made changes to AR power search to correctly reload the last AR when closing the power search window. (Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Power Search)
  • When changing the 4th creative team member the name will now show for the staffer. (Jobr -> Job Tickets -> traffic : deadlines)
  • Marking a task as finished from the “Job Tasks” tab on the face of the job ticket no longer temporality clears the icons for all other tasks. (Jobr -> Job Tickets)
  • Resolved some issues with the estimate worksheet that caused estimate worksheet lines to save incorrectly. (Jobr -> Job Tickets -> Estimates)
  • Resolved an issue in the edit AR window that caused the AR dgl to save incorrectly in some cases. (Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Edit)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 10-12-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 10/12/16 3:30 PM PDT

  • When the canceling Adding or Editing an AP the user is now returned to the last viewed AP. (Accounting -> Accounts Payable)
  • Resolved and issue that allowed user to upload PDF’s over the two MB limit. (Accounting -> Accounts Payable)
  • Added functionality to view PDF’s that were uploaded over the 2MB limit. (Accounting ->Accounts Payable)
  • Expenses are now calculated correctly using the markup from the Job’s task on the job ticket when adding and/or editing an expense (Accounting -> Expense Reports).


Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 09-29-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 09/29/16 12:09 PM PDT

  • Resolves an issue that caused the Creative Brief to print the wrong client name show up on the report. (Jobr -> Job Tickets -> Creative Brief).
  • Resolves an issue that caused the Project Brief to print the wrong client name show up on the report. (Jobr -> Job Tickets -> Project Brief).
  • Right clicking in the Daily Job Status with job selected will no longer give an erroneous error message that no jobs are selected. (Jobr -> Daily Job Status).
  • Emails sent from homeBase now correctly notify the users selected in the notification preferences.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 09-22-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 09/22/16 8:30 AM PDT

  • Fixed an issue that allowed a user to delete a posted AP when cancelling out of the clone window. (Accounting -> Accounts Payable)
  • Adding comments to a topic in the creative dashboard now correctly redraws the comments list so the user can see their comments being added immediately. (My -> My Creative Dashboard)
  • Fixed an issue that caused users who have email address to get an error message when adding a new topic to in the job homeless. The error message would tell the user they do not have an email address and would not send the email. (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> homeBase -> Add Topic)
  • The task popup window for adding tasks now defaults to the estimate + traffic tasks instead of a blank default when looking up tasks. (Lookup -> Job Tasks)

macOS Sierra 10.12 Update
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 09/20/16 03:00 PM PDT

As you may already heard Apple has released a new OS, Mac OS Sierra. Our initial testing with the preview and current release has found no issues or compatibility conflicts running Clients & Profits Cloud or Clients & Profits X. We recommend checking with your IT staff before updating as they may advise a waiting/testing period before you install the OS X update.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 09-08-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 09/09/16 12:20 PM PDT

  • Overdue task daily emails now only are only send if the job is open as well as if the task is unfinished.
  • Printing an estimate from the estimate window now shows the estimate printing options as it does if you print from the face of the job ticket (Jobr-> Job Tickets -> Estimate).
  • Budget alerts now exclude admin tasks since the task cannot be estimated. (Time)
  • Changing the cost amount when adding PO now correctly checks for max po amount, budget alerts, and updates the gross amounts correctly. (Accounting -> Purchase Orders -> Add).
  • When printing the job list report, jobs with long descriptions will no longer run over the next job ticket. ( Jobr-> Job Tickets -> Print Reports).

JULY 2016

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 7-29-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 07/29/16 2:58 PM PDT

  • Adding a topic in homeBase correctly emails by following all set preferences.
  • Adding a To Do now emails the assigned staffer when the notify checkbox is checked (Jobr - Job Tickets - homeBase - To Do’s)
  • When adding a GL entry the entries just added will populate in the general ledger. (Accounting - General Ledger)
  • User is alerted and prevented from making changes, if a buy on the Insertion order has been billed. (Media - Media Orders)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 7-20-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 07/20/16 3:30 PM PDT

  • Using shipping address will no longer cause subsequent Accounts Receivable Invoices to calculate the wrong tax rate. (Accounting - Accounts Receivable)
  • Resolved an issue that removed the Client from a Purchase Order when editing the order. (Accounting - Purchase Orders)
  • Imported Broadcast Order will no longer inherit the AP# number from updated orders that are already charged to an Accounts Payable (Accounting - Accounts Payable)
  • Removing a pre-billed media order line that has multiple lines combines will now automatically recalculate the AR amounts on all buys. (Accounting - Accounts Receivable)

JUNE 2016

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 6-24-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 06/24/16 3:20 PM PDT

  • Printing AR invoices unchecking the “Print distribution copies” is no longer ignored when distribution have been added (Accounting - Billing : Accounts Receivable - Print Invoices)
  • Using the "Bill Job" function from the job ticket now uses the default cgl from the job’s task. (Jobr - Job Tickets - Bill Job)
  • Double clicking on the an Outdoor Orders’s buy will now show the AP and AR it was billed on if any (Media - Media Orders - Outdoor Orders)
  • Media Orders can now be searched up to the full 12 number length in the default search box (Media - Media Orders)
  • Purchase Orders can now be searched up to the full 12 number length in the default search box (Accounting - Purchase Orders)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 6-17-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 06/20/16 7:20 AM PDT

  • Insta-Job Feature does now correctly populates all default task data. (My - My Clients)
  • Resolved an issue in the Weekly Time Card did not allow users to enter to time job tickets. (My - My Time Card)
  • Resolved an issue in the add job tasks window that caused existing tasks to be updated in correctly. Existing tasks can no longer be edited from the add job tasks window. (Jobr - Job Tickets - Add Tasks)
  • Adding resources to a new tasks in the add job tasks window now checks if the staff can be assigned deadlines. (Jobr - Job Tickets - Add Tasks)
  • Calculating finance charges on invoices with a due date more than 30 days past the invoice date is now calculated correctly. (Accounting - Billing : Accounts Recievable)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 6-10-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 06/10/16 9:38 AM PDT

  • Marcom users will no longer receive an error message when opening Expense Reports window (Accounting - Expense Reports).
  • Marking a job task as finished from the Job Tasks tab on the face of the job ticket now populates the finished date (Jobr - Job Tickets).

MAY 2016

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 5-24-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 05/24/16 12:40 PM PDT

  • Adding a Vendor check: Resolved an issue where user hits the enter/return key to save instead of clicking on the save button the automatic check number does not advance. (Accounting - Checkbook )
  • Now special instruction are getting copied from the template when adding a job correctly. (Jobr - Job Tickets)
  • Resolved an issue that caused the user’s email address to temporarily be blank when adding approvals . (Jobr - Job Tickets)
  • Resolved an issues where Windows based machines can not see all buttons in the preferences window. (Setup - Preferences)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 5-12-16
By Mark Robillard - Posted 5/12/16 07:00 AM PDT

  • The Lookup Contacts window can now filter client contacts for a selected account executive.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 5-11-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 05/11/16 04:05 PM PDT

  • Editing a time entry in the weekly time card will edit the work correctly. It no longer edits the next day or does nothing. (My - My Time Card)
  • Editing an Interactive Order will no longer change interactive orders number to the next number when using the auto number setting in preferences. (uMedia - Media Orders - Edit)

APRIL 2016

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 4-22-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 04/22/16 03:30 PM PDT

  • In the task table, editing a task and updating existing tasks will now update the task description as well. (Setup - Task Table)
  • The Comparative Income Statement no longer shows long unreadable numbers when there is no income to compare it to in the current period. (Snapshots - Financials - Income Statement)
  • Estimate Billing Show hours function is now defaulted to the job ticket's estimate setting, but can be overridden by the always show hours setting in the Client file. (Accounting - Accounts Receivable - Add)
  • The list of Client names in the My Clients window now shows all names correctly. ( My - My Clients)
  • The popup list of clients are now in alphabetical order by client organization when editing an AR invoice. (Accounting - Accounts Receivable - Edit)
  • The Media Order Preferences now save correctly. (Preferences)
  • The Job Billing + Info window now prints the correct report. (Jobr - Job Tickets)
  • The Renumber utility can now renumber longer job numbers. (Setup - Utilities - Renumber)
  • Editing a Vendor check now correctly saves the AP invoices it pays. (Accounting - Checkbook)

MARCH 2016

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 3-30-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 03/30/16 03:30 PM PDT

  • (Studio Edition Only) Resolved an error message when clicking on the approvals tab in Preferences. (Setup - Preferences - General)
  • When closing a homeBase's comment window the user’s initials were temporarily changed. (Jobr - Job Tickets - homeBase)
  • Default invoice types now print the correct tax rate 3 when used. (Accounting - Billing Accounts Receivable - Print Invoices)
  • Resolved an issue when using AR invoice approvals. The (#) was sometimes saved at the end of AR invoice number after printing the proof list. (Accounting - Billing Accounts/Receivable)
  • Staff Client Access Window in My Clients window now draws correctly on Windows based machines. (My - My Clients - Staff Client Access)
  • The Edit Job Status Code window now correctly unselects staffers for email alerts. (Setup - Job Status Codes)
  • Editing the a time entry in Time Sheets now correctly checks the job number field and no longer allows incorrect job numbers when edited. (Accounting - Time Sheets)
  • "Deselect all / Select all" button in the Add Media Billing window works without extra clicking. (Accounting - Billing Accounts/Receivable - Add)

Mac OS X 10.11.4 El Capitan Update
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 03/22/16 03:20 PM PDT

Our initial testing has found no issues or compatibility conflicts running Clients & Profits Cloud or Clients & Profits X on the latest incremental release of El Capitan OS (OS X 10.11.4). We recommend checking with your IT staff before updating as they may advise a waiting/testing period before you install the OS X update.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 3-9-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 3/9/16 03:30 PM PDT

  • Comparative Income Statement now prints landscape on letter sized paper.
  • Adding media buys to existing broadcast buys now updates the gross and net, then display totals correctly. (uMedia - Media Orders - Broadcast Orders)
  • Allows time entry to be removed the from the time entry edit window in Time sheets if the entry is not billed or approved or the user doesn’t have access (Accounting - Timesheets)
  • Resolved an issues that caused the custom job window columns to be over written by the values of the logged in user when saving permissions. (Setup - Users Permissions)
  • Unapproved AP Report prints the correct unapproved items report more efficiently. (Accounting - Accounts Payable)


Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 2-22-16
By Mark Robillard - Posted 2/22/16 03:27 PM PDT

  • The Detailed Job Summary correctly hides the time costs for users who don’t have the “show net amounts for job costs” setting checked.

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 2-18-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 2/18/16 01:15 PM PDT

  • When adding, removing a media buy or adding a make the good the totals of a media order will now re-total immediately. (uMedia — Media Orders)
  • Resolved an issue with the Media Order Power search. Double Clicking on the order in the list loads the correct media order. (uMedia — Media Orders — Power Search)
  • Corrected the initial position of the add broadcast order buy window.
    (uMedia — Media Orders — Add Buy)
  • The edit menu now stays active when adding a media buy. (uMedia — Media Orders)
  • All users level users now have the ability to edit previously saved time entries in My Time Card. This is more consistent with the new access levels of Clients & Profits Cloud.
    (My — My Time Card)
  • When adding a Job Billing the due date now calculates as soon as the client field is populated. No tabbing required. (Accounting — Billing : Accounts Receivable — Add — Job Billing)

Clients & Profits Cloud Software Update 2-16-16
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 2/16/16 01:15 PM PDT

  • Fixed an issue in the Chart of accounts Setup window that only displayed the first 1000 entries on the “print JEs”. (Setup -- Chart of Accounts)
  • Smoothed out some issues with the weekly time card when editing time.
    (My -- My Timecard -- Weekly Time Card)
  • The Checkbook window no longer closes when adding a vendor credit. ( Accounting -- Checkbook)
  • Closing or Canceling the Add Vendor Credit window, no longer stops the user when the cursor is in the reference number field and it is blank. ( Accounting -- Checkbook)
  • Corrected re-totaling issues when adding a vendor credit.
    (Accounting — Checkbook)
  • Fixed an error message when clicking on the clip note button in the Job Estimate window
    (Jobr — Jobr Tickets — Estimate)
  • Addressed an issue in Time sheets that allows users that either do not have time approvals turned on or do not have access to unapprove time entries in Time sheets. (Accounting — Time sheets)


Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Update
By Scott Calafiore - Posted 9/29/15 03:15 PM PDT

Our testing has found no issues or compatibility conflicts running Clients & Profits Cloud or Clients & Profits X on the pre-release version of the new El Capitan OS (OS X 10.11). The new OS is scheduled to be released tomorrow Wednesday September 30th. We recommend checking with your IT staff before updating as they may advise a waiting/testing period before you install the OS X update.

Note: As with the previous OS X Server update, hosting the built-in database for Clients & Profits X is not recommended with this legacy technology. If you would like more information on Clients & Profits Cloud please call our sales team at 1-800-272-4488.

"We always get prompt service and call backs when needed." -- Janice Ramsey, Daniel Brian & Assoc.