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Broadcast media plans can be created for many kinds of radio, television, cable, or even Internet-based media buys.  

Like a print plan, a broadcast media plan is similar to a job ticket: it is opened for one client, has a number to track it, can be changed many times as needed, and printed for a client’s approval.

A broadcast media plan is made up of one or more media buys. A broadcast spot buy (usually a specific time or program) is made for each station that is part of the media plan. A broadcast media plan can contain dozens of time/program spot buys. You’ll enter the flight’s beginning and ending dates on the broadcast plan. Each spot can be run any number of times during the two-week flight.

The broadcast media plan window shows the plan’s number, client, title, budget, and media buys. For each spot buy you’ll see its station, time/program code (or name), total spots, total rating points ordered, gross cost, and number of times per day that the spots will run.

Learn how to add broadcast media plans in this Clients & Profits classroom video training session.
Running time: 3:47

To work with a broadcast media plan

1 Choose Media > Broadcast Media Plans to open the Broadcast Media Plans window.

The Broadcast Media Plans window opens, listing the last-added broadcast media plan.

2 Find the broadcast media plan you wish to use.

The Broadcast Media Plan window opens, showing the plan’s space buys. From this window use the toolbar buttons to edit, delete, and print this broadcast plan.

To find a broadcast media plan

1 Choose Media > Broadcast Media Plans

The Broadcast Media Plans window opens, listing the last-added broadcast media plan.

2 In the find field, enter the broadcast plan number, or choose a recently viewed broadcast plan from the history pop-up menu.

You can find broadcast media plans by number, client, title, campaign, start date, or sequence (i.e., the order in which they were added). To find a broadcast plan for a selected client: Click the Find button, then choose Client from the pop-up menu. Enter the client number, then click Find. The first broadcast plan for the chosen client appears.

3 Click Find.

Click the Next or Previous button to browse through other broadcast media plans.

Finding media plans. Broadcast and print media plans can be easily found by plan order, client number, name/title, start date, or campaign. Double-clicking on a media plan in the Find list displays its full details, including its buys.

To add a broadcast media plan

Broadcast media plans are added like job tickets: first you'll enter the new plan's client, number, name/title, and description, then add the plan's spot buys.  Each broadcast media plan is identified with a plan number. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

To clone a broadcast media plan

Cloning creates a new broadcast media plan from an existing one. It copies all of the details and buys from an existing broadcast media plan, then lets you change it. To clone a broadcast media plan, click on the clone button, enter the new broadcast media plan's additional details, then click Save.

To edit a broadcast media plan

1 Find the broadcast media plan you wish to change.

2 Click the edit button.

The Broadcast Media Plan window opens, displaying the broadcast media plan's details.

3 Make your changes, then click Save.

To add buys to a broadcast media plan

The broadcast media plan is incomplete without spot buys for times and programs. A separate spot buy is added for each time or program during which the ad will run. A broadcast plan could have dozens of buys for different stations and programs. There's no limit to the number of stations and programs that can be ordered for the plan's two-week flight. Click here for step-by-step instructions.
To remove buys from a broadcast media plan

1 From the Broadcast Media Plan window, select the buy you wish to remove.

2 Click on the remove buy button

An alert will appear, asking you if you wish to remove the selected buy.

3 Click Yes if you wish to remove the selected buy. Click No if you do not.

To make a broadcast order

Broadcast orders
can be created automatically from broadcast media plans. This option can save hours of data-entry time, since there's nothing to reenter. Instead, the information from the media plan -- the station, flight dates, program, rating, and costs -- are copied directly to the new broadcast orders. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

To print media reports

Clients & Profits X prints reports for media analysis after insertion/broadcast orders have been placed and later billed. These reports are used for tracking media buy amounts, client spending, and media vendor purchases. You can print post-buy reports, client spending reports, and group performance reports for any or all dates, clients, and media vendors. Learn more about media reports here.

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