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The need to keep detailed, accurate records of how everyone in the shop spends their time is vital to staffing, billing, productivity, and profitability

That’s why daily time keeping is so important to My Clients & Profits! X. Unlike other accounting systems, time keeping is a fundamental feature in My Clients & Profits! X. That’s why there are so many ways to track time, whether it’s billable or unbillable.

A time sheet is a collection of a day’s time entries for one person. Each time entry is a separate record of a person’s work containing the date, job number, task, the number of hours, cost and billing rates, and a short description.

Time can be tracked either through time cards or time sheets. There’s no real difference between them; in fact, time entered on time cards becomes a time sheet when the time card is saved. But the time card has the advantage of being available to users all day, while they’re working.

The time sheet, in comparison, is designed for users who enter their time weekly, not daily, or in agencies that have one person input the time for all staff members.

Time added into a time sheet is posted as it is saved -- so jobs, tasks, and cost reports are updated immediately. Unlike time cards, the time sheet has the option to show cost and billing rates. This option, which can be set for each user, lets a user adjust cost and billing rates. Time entries can be added, edited, and deleted as needed -- any time, if the user has the necessary access privileges. There are no limits to how many time entries can be added. Any time entry can be made unbillable by unchecking the Billable checkbox; if so, the time’s cost amount will appear on the job, but the billable amount will be zero.

Time reports can be printed daily, weekly, or for any period of time. Time reports can show time by staff member or for one job number. The time card reports analyze the week’s time by department or team, for better accountability. Productivity reports, which are printed from Snapshots, show total hours by staffer, task, client, or job -- and are excellent ways to analyze how people work.

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