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Almost everything about a job ticket can be edited as needed.  

Changes can be made to jobs at any point during its lifetime, as needed. The changes you make to jobs take affect when they are saved; so anyone who prints a job report will see your changes immediately.

All of the job’s details can be changed in the Job Ticket windows. The different windows let you change different things, such as estimates or schedules. But most of the job’s key information is in the Job Specifications window. Here you can change the job’s specifications, dates, job type, and user fields as needed.

Only the client number and job number can’t be changed in the Specification window. Once a job is saved, the client number and job number are permanently assigned to the job ticket and can not be edited. Instead, the re-number utility must be used.

To edit a job ticket

1 From the Job Tickets window, click on the Specs link.

“Where’s that InDesign file?” When a job is closed, the location of its InDesign layouts, Photoshop images, and other digital files can be stored on the job ticket. The name of the DVD-R, CD-R, tape backup, file server, etc. can be entered into the archived on field. When someone needs a job’s art, they can find its location here.

2 Make your changes, then click Save.

You can change the job type/spec sheet once the job is saved. Changing the job type also changes the job’s user fields, estimate options, and disclaimer -- replacing what you’ve already entered. However, selecting a different spec sheet doesn’t change the job’s tasks.

To change the job number

Since a job ticket can contain hundreds of costs, time entries, and billings, its job number can’t be simply edited. Instead, a special Re-number utility changes the job ticket and all of its activity at once.

1 Choose Setup > Utilities > Re-number.

2 Select the job number option.

3 Enter the job’s current number, then enter the job’s new number.

4 Click OK.

Renumbering a job can be very time-consuming if it is a very active job. Since every time entry, vendor payable, check, job billing, change order, and diary entry needs to be renumbered, renumbering can take several minutes.

To change the job’s client number

The client number can’t be simply edited. Since a client’s job could have dozens of costs, time entries, checks, and billings, Clients & Profits needs to change the client number on all of the activity. A special re-number utility makes it easy.

1 Choose Setup > Utilities > Re-number.

2 Select the one job’s client option.

3 Enter the job number.

Tabbing past the job number displays its client number (the one that’s being changed). The new client number will replace the old one on the job ticket, tasks, costs -- everything except billings, which keep the same client.

4 Enter the job’s new client number, then click OK.

To edit the job photo

Each job ticket can contain a digitized photograph (from a digital camera, for example) or scanned artwork. Job photos can be used to document what was produced, such as a brochure or an advertisement. These photos can be printed as a catalog of the shop’s work, for example. The graphic is pasted into the Work Order window in the same dimensions. Photos can be copied from any graphics program then pasted into the job’s work order (see below). Graphics are not scaled to fit the window.

To edit the job’s work order

A work order can be printed from a job ticket. The printed work order can then be distributed throughout the production department as the job is started. It gives the production staff everything they need to know to start the job: client, job name/title, client contacts, initial budget, start date and due date, AE/team, the job’s traffic milestones, and detailed instructions. The work order can also include a shipping address (which can be copied from the client’s address) and a photo or sketch of the work being produced. The photo/sketch doesn’t appear on the printed work order; instead, it’s there for an on-line reference after the job is closed.

1 From the Job Ticket window, find the job you wish to edit.

2 Click the Work Order link or choose Edit > Edit Job > Work Order/Photo.

On-line work orders. When account execs update the job’s work order, it can be easily reprinted then distributed throughout the production department. Or, creatives can look up the job’s work order from their own desk using Clients & Profits X.

3 Make your changes, then click Save.

Work orders are printed by choosing File > Print Reports > Job Production or by choosing File > Print Window when the Work Order window is open.

To make a job always unbillable

A job ticket is billable to the client unless it is specifically marked as “always unbillable.” This option checks the unbillable checkbox on the job’s tasks, which make all newly added costs unbillable. This option should be set when a job won’t be billed (e.g., new business, account service, pro-bono, etc.).

1 From the Job Ticket window, click on the Specs link.

2 Click the Always Unbillable checkbox, then click Save.

Changing the always unbillable option doesn’t affect existing costs (i.e., if they were billable before, they’ll stay billable; only new costs will be unbillable). For more flexibility, a job can be set as billable but have some always unbillable tasks. In this case, selected job tasks can be set as always unbillable -- while the job is not marked as always unbillable. A job can have any combination of billable and always unbillable tasks.

To delete a job ticket

A job can be deleted before any work has begun. But once a job has costs, hours, or billings it can’t be deleted. This prevents jobs from mysteriously disappearing with unbilled costs. Deleting a job is permanent and irreversible. However, the deleted job’s diary entries aren’t affected, allowing anyone to see who deleted the job.

1 From the Job Ticket window, find the job you wish to delete.

2 Click the delete button, or choose Edit > Delete Job.

Avoid using the deleted job’s number over again. If a new job is opened using a deleted job’s number, you’ll see the deleted job’s diary entries.

Client Contacts

The client contact that you enter in the Job Description window will appear on Estimates and A/R invoices. Contacts include the people responsible for the job, those who receive the statements and other contacts that may need to be referenced. Your agency contact is entered below the client contact, and will also appear on the printed Estimate and A/R invoice.

To edit billing information

A job ticket can have billing information specifically designed for corporate accounting systems. This option makes tracking chargebacks for different departments, cost centers, and accounts easy and mostly automatic. Billing information is typically used by in-house agencies or by agencies with corporate clients who need better accountability. It appears only on printed estimates and invoices. To edit the job’s billing information, choose Edit > Edit Job > Billing Information.

Cost centers and account codes are entered manually when the job is opened, or any time thereafter. Any percentage of the job’s estimate and billing amount can be split between the nine cost centers. The percentage amounts are broken down on the printed estimate and invoice, based on the job’s total estimate and billing, respectively. The job billing information has no affect on your own general ledger or profitability reports -- so you may not need it.

Associating open jobs with client projects

A job ticket is opened for every project the shop gets, including internal work, client presentations, and pro-bono jobs. The project associated with this job can be selected from the Client Projects lookup list (Lookup > Client Projects).

It is imperative when adding or editing a client project in this window that you use the Client Projects Lookup list to enter the project that this job belongs to. Click inside of the projects field, then choose Lookup > Client Projects. Double-click the project from the lookup list, and it will appear in this field. It's important to use the lookup list to avoid any input errors that may be caused by manually typing the name of the project in. If the name of the client project is off by a single letter, the job will not show up in the client project.

The Job Lists report lists jobs by project name. Jobs are grouped by project name, showing the job number, job name, start and due dates, and production status. Jobs without project names are listed first.

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