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Why use Clients & Profits for billing?

Not surprisingly, a recent survey showed all advertising agencies and design firms that use Clients & Profits use it for billing.

The survey asked: What do you like about billing with Clients & Profits? Their answers illustrate why so many agencies use it as their one, and only, agency software.

-- Billing process is very fast and easy to execute

-- Tasks and hours appear automatically on invoices n Billing can happen at any phase of the job

-- Ample space for job specs and notes

Invoices are easy to revise and print (and reprint)

-- A client can be billed directly from an estimate (no retyping required)

-- Printed invoices are easy to read and look professional

-- Invoice amounts flow automatically onto job, billing, and general ledger reports

How do you compare?

-- Invoices printed per month: average of 73

-- 40% of shops bill at the end of the month n 42% of billings are the "Job Billing" type

-- 66% using billing status codes

-- 23% of users have tried Auto-billing (a bit timid, here!)

-- 59% sending monthly statements to their clients (and many more indicate they will start sending statements soon.)

Continued from previous page

Change orders prevent finger pointing

     Like the estimate, change orders should be printed and signed off by the client throughout the job. Even if the change order is for a creative change that has no additional cost, it's wise to keep the client formally updated about changes in strategy, style, and delivery. Even if you've been especially conscientious about communicating with the client, all that is often forgotten when the bill finally arrives.

An invoice every day

     Many agencies wait way too long to send the bill. That's an expensive decision because the more time that passes between completion and invoicing gives the client more time to look for problems. Also, billing a client while the job is still fresh in their mind can avoid confusion. You won't have to spend so much time (unbillable, of course) explaining again the project from memory.

Insider knowledge

     The benefits are greater than better communication between media, production, and accounting or a faster billing cycle. The media spending reports provided by Clients & Profits give the media department the facts they need to make their accounts as profitable as possible. Media spending and performance reports are based on up-to-the-minute media orders and billings, so they are always current. And they can be printed by media buyers and account managers whenever they're needed.

Inside information

     Media reports look at media traffic, spending, and performance from every angle. The Client Media Calendar is the first place to see which ads are running by month (see pages 4-5). It's a great report to print each Monday. The Space Closing and Materials Due reports list critical upcoming deadlines from broadcast and insertion orders.

     The "auto-billing" feature makes it easy to automate invoices. When used with billing status codes, it automatically invoices a client's unbilled jobs in a single step.

Lots 'o invoices

In some cases, you might not wait until the job is done to make your first invoice. By progressively billing jobs, you can invoice for the work completed to date. Clients & Profits tracks progress billings automatically, so you'll never overbill or underbill a job.

     Billing as-you-go means payments as-you-go, which evens out cash flow. Don't forget to bill the estimate, if possible. Smart agencies pre-bill estimates to prevent cash flow problems as the job is completed. (Clients & Profits makes it easy to bill any percentage of the estimate instantly, too.) It might even be easier for the client to pay bite-size invoices, rather than one L-A-R-G-E invoice at the end of the job.

     Client retainers are another secret for improving cash flow, but most clients won't bite. A retainer is a negotiated fee that covers account service and creative time for the month's work (kind of like a budget), with expenses billed separately. Retainers are great for agencies, since they know a certain amount of money is coming in every month. However, negotiating a retainer (especially a renewal) is treacherous. For the agency, you need to really know your costs -- or else the retainer might not cover all of your billable time.

Account execs need to know

     Don't forget to keep account service aware of their client's billings. AEs can smooth out the billing process by communicating with the client before misunderstandings become confrontations.

     For example, if the invoice isn't going to match the estimate, the AE can hopefully soften the news before the invoice arrives. It's a good idea to have the AE follow up on an invoice, making sure there's no confusion or questions that can delay payment. Then, if corrections need to be made you can do them immediately -- before the invoice is way past due. Clients & Profits prints client account agings showing each AE's unpaid invoices, so that they can help with collections on their clients.

Stop the madness!

     With a smart, efficient billing system like Clients & Profits, being able to rapidly bill clients is possible -- and very easy to do. With a little planning, the trauma of a painful billing cycle can be finally broken. It'll be a faster, easier process that quickly gets you where you want to be -- in the money!

Lisa Waggoner is the Marketing Manager for Clients & Profits, and a co-founder of the company. She co-teaches the monthly Clients & Profits new-user training classes.

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