Clients & Profits! web pages can be customized in web design
programs, such as FrontPage, GoLive, and Dreamweaver. Web pages
are intentionally uncomplicated, so its easy to redesigned
them to match your shops design style. When a user accesses
a web page, data from your Clients & Profits database is
downloaded into special HTML tags called OMTAGs. They can be
added, deleted, or modified to change what data appears on a
web page. All of the design elements (e.g., tables, lines, graphics,
backgrounds, etc.) can be customized.
1. The banner at the top of the page can be replaced
with your own custom banner.
2. Each authorized web user (including clients) sees
their own custom My Clients & Profits! home page, which
is based on the home.html page. There are special home.html
pages for clients, vendors, and the web administrator, each
with slightly different links that are appropriate to each
kind of user.
3. Web-based
help pages contain instructions for using My Clients & Profits!
They can be customized to contain your own companys special
instructions, work flow, and procedures.
4. A users home page links are created dynamically
based on his or her access privileges, which are set by the
My C&P! web administrator. The graphics used by these links
are stored in an images folder and can be replaced
with your own GIFs.
5. The lookup links work like regular Clients & Profits
lookup lists. Each lookup list is a separate web page.
6. Web administrators have special links for tracking
and managing the My Clients & Profits! web server anywhere
from any web browser.
7, 8, 9. Links
to company calendars, company news, and industry links are optional,
but can be exceptionally useful. These links essentially give staff
members a web-based company bulletin board that can be updated
10. The company handbook and forms sections provides
links to custom web pages containing employee information.
If your shop isnt interested in providing online access
to the companys employee handbook, remove these links.
11. Web users can instantly and easily get in touch
with the My C&P! web administrator using this e-mail link.
The name and e-mail address of the web administrator is entered
in the My C&P! preferences, so isnt hard-coded on
the home.html page.