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Client retainers are special-purpose invoices that bill clients, but don't count as income
Retainer billings arent considered earned
income, since you havent done the work yet. Instead, retainers
are billed as deposits against future billings.
Retainers can only be billed from each clients retainer schedule.
The retainer schedule contains descriptions and amounts for up to twelve
monthly billings. When you add a retainer invoice, youll be prompted
to select a retainer to bill from the clients schedule. Details
about the billing are copied from the client account to the invoice,
so theres very little for you to type.
When a retainer is posted, the balance updates the client account --
but only the clients retainer balance, not the usual account balance.
Retainers update the General Ledger, crediting a liability account (which
you choose) for client deposits/retainers and debiting accounts receivable.
Retainers dont increase the clients account balance, so you
wont confuse regular unpaid invoices from unpaid retainers. Instead,
a special unpaid retainers balance tracks them separately.
Retainers can be applied to any unposted job billing. When a retainer
is applied to an invoice, the retainer amount appears as a payment. When
the invoice is posted, your client sees the invoices line items
and billing amounts, sales tax, and grand total -- then the balance due,
less the amount applied from retainers.
There are cases where retainers shouldnt be billed as retainers: If a client pays you a flat monthly fee that isnt applied to job billings, then it shouldnt be billed as a retainer. These fees, which usually cover the clients account service hours, are really earned income because you wont give the money back if you do no work. Remember, retainers dont affect your income statement or the clients balance due. Fee invoices should be added as miscellaneous billings, not retainers.
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more about retainer billing in this Clients & Profits
classroom video training session, with C&P
Trainer Mindy Williams. Requires Apple Quicktime 7.0 or greater. Running time: 1:06 |
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To add a retainer billing
1 From the Accounts Receivable window, choose Edit > Add
New Invoice > Retainer
The Add New Retainer Invoice window opens.
2 Enter the invoice number.
3 Enter the invoices bill-to client number.
Retainer invoices are billed to one client, and only clients
that have a retainer schedule. When you tab past the client
number, the clients
scheduled retainer billings are copied to the invoice. Any unbilled retainer
can be billed on a retainer invoice. Previously billed retainers are
disabled, since they have already been billed.
4 Enter the invoice date, accounting period, the clients
purchase order number, and payment terms.
The invoice date and the accounting period can be different,
for flexibility. This means an invoice can be dated in this
month , but the invoice can be posted to next months
financial period.
5 Enter the invoices debit and credit G/L accounts.
The retainers cGL and dGL are copied from the clients retainer
schedule, but can be changed. A special A/R account can be created for
tracking retainer receivables, to keep them separate on financial statements.
Likewise, a special deposits/advances liability account can
be created to track retainer billings. When a retainer invoice is posted,
it will post debit and credit journal entries to these accounts.
6 Enter the invoices due date.
7 Click the bill these checkboxes to add retainer
billings to this invoice.
You can bill one or more monthly retainers on the same invoice,
although usually only one is billed per month. Each monthly
retainer appears as a separate line item, with its own billing
amount, on the printed invoice. The retainers description
is copied to the line item and is what the client sees on
the printed invoice. You can change the description as needed;
however, changing the description here changes the retainer
schedule as well. The retainer amount can also be changed, letting you
bill more or less than what was scheduled; changing the amount here changes
the retainer schedule.
8 Click Save.
To see a clients retainer schedule
1 Choose My > My Clients.
2 Click on the Retainers link.
The Retainer Schedule window shows the clients retainer history,
including which retainers have been billed so far. The status checkbox
indicates which retainers have been billed, including the date and invoice
number. Billed retainers cant be changed. Unused retainer is the
amount that can be applied as payments to the clients upcoming
invoices. Unpaid retainers shows the balance of the clients unpaid
retainer billings. You can use this amount to track if the client has
paid the retainer invoices (you may not want to apply retainers to new
invoices unless theyve been paid already).