Clients & Profits! is an add-on web server for your Clients & Profits
database that allows anyone to track clients, jobs, production
and traffic, job costs, time and expenses from Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, or any other web browser. It lets accounts
executives, creatives, and other out-of-office staff members
real-time access to your shops data. Each web user has
his or her own Home page that contains links based on their access
1. Each My Clients & Profits! web user has a personalized
home page, whether they are a staff member, freelancer, client,
or vendor.
2. A special welcome message greets you
on your home page. (This greeting is edited in the users
Access & Privileges window by a web server administrator.)
3. Customizable help pages are available from every
My Clients & Profits! web page.
4. Each
web user can access selected client, job, traffic, and job costing
functions based on their My C&P! access privileges. These
user-defined privileges work together with the standard Clients & Profits
access privileges. Some users will see more or fewer links, depending
on what they are authorized to use. The graphics used for each
link are GIFs that can be replaced with your own custom graphics.
5. The lookup lists in the My Clients & Profits!
web server look like the ones in Clients & Profits. They
give you the same access to client, job, vendor, and other
quick-reference lists, as Clients & Profits users.
6. The optional company calendar is a special collection
of links to company events, meetings, and important dates.
Each calendar event has its own web page, which is served by
My Clients & Profits! These pages can only be accessed
by authorized My C&P! staff members, so they arent
7. The Company News section promotes company propaganda,
including new hire announcements, account wins, acquisitions,
and other newsworthy stories.
8. Keep
up with industry news, gossip, and events using these customizable
9. You can easily access web sites that the company
considers valuable by clicking on these links.
10. My C&P! can serve pages from a private, online
company handbook. Your existing handbook can be copied into
web pages (or use PDF files) that are easily linked to the
staff member home pages
11. Web-based versions of commonly-used company forms
can be made available to staff members whether theyre
working inside or outside the office.
12. E-mail can be instantly sent to the My Clients & Profits!
webmaster by clicking on this link.
Customize the My C&P!