Yourself Clients & Profits
X starts up like any other Windows
or Macintosh application: simply
double-click on the program,
open the database, then introduce
Information Center gives
you a quick, convenient way
to work through Clients & Profits
X. The Information Center window
opens automatically whenever
you start Clients & Profits.
Staff file contains
the company's employees. Staff
records are used by time cards
and time sheets. Anyone whose
time is tracked is added as
a staff member.

Clients & Profits
online tutorial
The online tutorial is designed to introduce new users
to Clients & Profits. It uses animation to walk users
step-by-step through the basic functions of Clients & Profits
X: opening a new job, estimating, scheduling, entering
time, tracking job costs, and billing a client.
hands-on with Clients & Profits
A self-guided, hands-on version of the online tutorial
is included on the Clients & Profits CD. The hands-on
tutorial uses the actual Clients & Profits X software
and a special tutorial database to learn the program. Download
both the tutorial database and guide here.

Let the Info Center message
do the talking.
Need to remind employees of staff meetings, people who
are out for the day, client presentations, and even a newly-acquired
account? Keep everyone up-to-date with the C&P Info
Center message. You've probably seen it -- it's the text
that appears at the bottom of the Information Center window.
What a lot of people don't know is that it's customizable.
To enter a message, choose Setup > Agency Information.
Then type in the message in the Info Center Msg and click
Save. Your message will appear for everyone to see until
it is changed.
A quick way to set up user
When setting up each user's access, use the "All" or "None" buttons
as a starting point. You'll have less work to do as you
fine tune their access. For example, if a user will generally
have lots of access to jobs, click the "All" button, then
fine tune their access by taking away privileges. (Choose
Setup > Users, Access & Passwords. Highlight the
person whose access you wish to edit, then click the Access
button. You'll see "All" or "None" buttons in the each
of the access privileges windows.)
Fiscal accounting year is
user defined
Regardless of when your fiscal year begins, Clients & Profits
X can accommodate. Choose Setup > Preferences. From
the Preferences menu, choose Accounting Periods. Type in
the months of the year, starting with the month that is
period 1 for your agency. There are either 15 or 24 spaces
to type in the months. The extra 3 or 12 spaces allow you
to work into the next year without having to rush to close
the current year.
Adobe Acrobat-based versions of the new Clients & Profits
X Feature Guide can be downloaded here:
Contents (20k)
Introduction (560k)
Started (693k)
Jobs (1.8
Costing (2.3
Media (1
A/R, Client Payments (2
Ledger (870k)
Snapshots (640k)
Options, Preferences (1.7
Appendix (149k)
Index (300k) |
© Clients & Profits, Inc. w
e l o v e a d v e r t i s i n g |