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Adding time in batches is fast and easy with time sheets.  

They are the best way to get a lot of time entered quickly. The Add Time Sheets window is more flexible than the Time Card, since it lets you enter hours for an entire week at one time. It’s also the only way to enter someone else’s time (for example, if an accounting clerk enters the creative staff’s paper time slips).

Each user can use either the Time Card or time sheets to track their time. All time is saved to the same place, whether it was added through time cards or time sheets. In fact, a user’s hours can be added, reviewed, and printed from time cards or time sheets. If you use time cards, you don’t need to add time sheets, too. If so, you’ll be entering the same hours twice. For more information, see the Time FAQs.

To add a time sheet

1 Click the add button (or choose Edit > Add Time Sheets).

The Add Time Sheet window opens.

2 Enter the staff initials.

Your initials are entered automatically. When you press Tab, your name appears. You can add someone else’s time by entering their initials over yours, then pressing Tab. If you don’t have the access privileges to enter other people’s time, you can’t change the time sheet’s initials.

3 Follow the remaining steps to continue adding a time sheet.

Period Although time sheets don’t affect the General Ledger, they still have an accounting period. The accounting period is used by cost and profitability reports to show activity by period. Any unlocked period can be used. The current period (from Agency Information) is chosen automatically.

Date Every time entry has a work date, which shows when the work was done and not the date it was entered or posted.

Job and Task
Every time entry needs a job number and a job task. This information is critical for accurate job costing. Even unbillable time must be given a job number (such as a client’s unbillable job, or the agency’s account service job number). The task should reflect what was performed for the time entry (i.e., artwork, design, etc.). Your standard task will be copied from your Staff record onto the time sheet automatically, but it can be changed. If you don’t have a standard task, the time sheet’s task will be blank. Giving yourself a standard task, however, saves a step -- it’s one less detail to enter onto the time sheet.

Helpful, thoughtful, or just nasty warning alerts can appear when a staffer is near or over the job task's estimated hours. Each user will get a personalized budget alert which are nearly impossible to ignore!). A user's alerts don't appear if you're entering someone else's time. The message itself is customizable in the user's Budget Alerts window in Users, Access & Passwords. To allow staffers to add old time entries, you can customize their time settings in the staffer's Job Costing Preferences.

Cost and Billing Rates Cost and billing rates are entered automatically, but can be changed. The cost rate is copied from the staff record, while billing rates come from a variety of sources (the staffer’s special rate, the job task, or the client).

If you do not have access to rates, then you can’t see or change them (they are entered automatically when your time is saved).

Overtime Overtime hours can be analyzed separately on productivity reports to better balance the shop’s employees, freelancers, and contractors. Every staff member can have an optional overtime billing rate, which will be used on this time entry.

If you are using task or client bill rates, the overtime cost and bill rate will still pull from the staff file.

Notes These notes document just what was done on a time entry. They appear on job cost reports and the client’s Invoice Detail report which can be printed together with invoices detailing the job’s costs). Time notes can be especially useful when justifying to a client what and how some work was performed -- especially easily disputable work like revisions, fixes, and overtime. These notes can also be edited later once the time sheet has been saved from the Edit Time Entry window.

4 Repeat these steps for the remaining time entries, then click Save.

Time entries are posted automatically, updating job totals and reports instantly.

Learn how to add time through time sheets in this Clients & Profits classroom video training session.
Running time: 4:13

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