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Clients & Profits X features powerful media ordering and tracking capabilities. They let you create detailed media estimates, broadcast orders, and print insertion orders. Broadcast orders and insertion orders are used for job tracking, just like purchase orders. In Clients & Profits X, these orders can be easily and automatically billed to clients.

Media Calendar The Media Calendar is a useful tool for managing media. Media calendar entries can be entered at any time to help users remember important media-related dates, such as client presentations, vendor meetings, conferences, and planning sessions.

Standard Media Interface The "Standard Media Interface" (or "SMI") standardizes the communication between Media Buying Systems, such as SmartPlus, TAPSCAN, Strata, and CoreSpot, and advertising agency accounting programs, like Clients & Profits X. Currently, all systems export data from media buys for use in accounting. But there is no consistently between these export files, which causes end-user confusion, training and support inefficiencies, and preventable errors.

Media Briefs (campaigns) A media brief is a worksheet that the media department can use to define and document the media process your agency follows to purchase media. It helps outline what needs to be accomplished by the media purchased.

Media Estimates A media estimate can contain one or more media buys. Each media buy appears separately as a line item on the printed media estimate. The media buy is customizable; you can enter custom headings for each of the buy's five fields. Since the media estimate is designed primarily for print media, the standard column labels are: publication, issue date, close date, ad number or caption, and ad size.

Broadcast Media Plans Like a print plan, a broadcast media plan is similar to a job ticket: it is opened for one client, has a number to track it, can be changed many times as needed, and printed for a client's approval. A broadcast media plan is made up of one or more media buys. A broadcast spot buy is made for each station that is part of the media plan.

Print Media Plans A print plan is similar to a job ticket: it is opened for one client, has a number to track it, can be changed many times as needed, and printed for a client's approval. A print plan is made up of one or more media buys. A media space buy is made for each publication that is part of the print plan. A print media plan can contain dozens of space buys. Each space buy features up to twelve different insertions for each month of the year.

Insertion Orders /  Broadcast Orders Print insertion and broadcast orders account for purchases you make from vendors on a client's behalf. They are not required by Clients & Profits X, but give you control over your media buys. That's because media orders provide written verification for the print ads and tv/radio spots you order. Anyone can add their own media orders, up to a user-defined dollar limit. Media orders have at least one job and task, but can contain several for better cost accounting.

Interactive Orders Interactive orders can be used to buy advertising space on web sites, digital kiosks, point-of-sale locations—anything that’s electronic. As the on-line population rapidly grows, so does the placement of ads on the world wide web.

Outdoor Orders Outdoor media orders are used to place any kind of out-of-doors advertising, such as billboards, mass transit signage, kiosks, building walls, and more. market. Each board is assigned to a location, which displays it’s message to a percentage of the population. You can project your message on one or numerous boards, to reach a total number of impressions that equal a percentage of the area’s population.

Media Traffic The Media Traffic window gives media planners and buyers a one-stop place to check upcoming deadlines for space closings and materials due.

Stations Clients & Profits X keeps a detailed table of the stations you use on broadcast media plans. A broadcast media plan is composed of different spot buys for a two-week period. Each program/time is added as a separate spot buy on a broadcast media plan, along with the number of spots that will run each day of the flight.

Publications Clients & Profits X keeps a detailed listing of the publications you use for media print buying. Each publication belongs to a vendor in the Vendor table. One vendor can have dozens of publications, each with its own collection of various ad sizes and rates.

Media Billing Goals... The Media Group Performance - Trend Analysis report compares actual media spending for each kind of media with the media department's billing goals. For these reports to work properly, the shop's billing goals for each media kind must be entered in the Media Goals window.

Media Link Enables importing of orders into Clients & Profits X from popular third party media planning/ordering programs like SmartPlus, PrintPlus, Strata, or Tapscan.

A media estimate is added in two parts, much like adding a job ticket. First, open the new media estimate, which includes the estimate number, client, campaign name, and description. Next, add media buys for each time an ad will run for this estimate.

Print Media Plans can be created for three kinds of periods: daily (for newspapers), weekly (for newspapers, journals, etc.), and monthly (for magazines).

Adding Broadcast Orders Radio, Cable, and broadcast tv spots ordered on behalf of a client should be tracked with broadcast orders. They can be created one-by-one or from broadcast media plans.

Standard Media Interface Specifications SMI specs for linking data from broadcast orders, print orders, and vendor media invoices from media buying systems into Clients & Profits X.

How Clients & Profits X Manages Media This short tutorial provides a brief overview of the media functions in Clients & Profits X.

Insertion order disclaimer saves you time
If you need the same instructions printed on every media insertion order (i.e., "Please return all final artwork to agency" or "Do not place beside or opposite to competitor"), don't type them in each time. Instead, use the IO's disclaimer.
(Choose Setup > Preferences > Insertion Orders.) Enter standard instructions, along with your disclaimer, in the Disclaimer field. The instructions are included on every new insertion order, whether it's created automatically from a media plan, a media estimate, or added manually.

Do you earn different media commissions
from different clients?

How can you ensure the right media commission is used when you're adding insertion orders or media plans?  Enter a client's media commission percentage in the client's Billing Information window.  It's then copied to each job task for that client.  From there, it goes exactly where you need it - the client's insertion orders and media plans.

Media estimates speed up entire media process
What's the fastest way to show clients numerous run dates in numerous publications for their media buys? Create a C&P Media Estimate for your clients' approval. Once approved, create insertion orders with no keying of information. Then, prebill those IOs with no rekeying of information. Didn't you just enter those buys for their approval? Hey, that is fast!

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